Saturday, April 16, 2011

Practical Ways by Which You Can Be of Help to Your Mesothelioma Friend

Your friend that has come down with mesothelioma cancer may find it hard to ask for help or to appear vulnerable. Do not tell the person to "be brave" or to "be strong",when people do this to cancer victims they are only putting them under a lot of unnecessary pressure on them to act strong even when they do not feel up to it.

Families can put subtle pressure on people with cancer by expecting or needing them to be strong all the time. In that case, you might play an important role for a friend who has cancer. He or she may know you well and trust you enough to confide in you, yet you don't have the emotional attachment and expectations of a family member. This kind of relationship can be a great gift for a person facing cancer.

Our basic human nature makes us want to distance ourselves from people that become seriously ill. When someone close to us develops mesothelioma cancer we are forced to confront our own fears about illness, weakness, or death. This may make us reluctant to interact with the affected person. But isolation can be a problem for people with cancer. Make an extra effort to reach out.

These are some of the ways by which you can help the mesothelioma cancer victim:

1- If your friend needs medical equipment or money for treatment, you can look into getting something donated or organize a raffle to help raise money. Or you can simply take up a collection to buy something that might not be covered by insurance.

2- The person with cancer may look to you for advice regarding financial worries, work issues, or other concerns. Be honest. Help if you can, but if you feel uncomfortable, say so. There are many places a person can get help and support, and you might suggest seeking the advice of a professional who is best suited to give that kind of guidance.

3- Keep your communication lines with the victim as open and free as possible. Continue to treat your friend as normally as possible, and talk about how the person is managing and what they need. But don't feel that you always have to talk about cancer. Include them in activities and social events. If they aren't up to doing something, let them be the one to decide to say no. Keep inviting them unless they tell you otherwise.

4- Ask what they could use; let them tell you what would be most helpful. Offer to help in specific ways.

5- Send or prepare a meal. Arrange a schedule of meal delivery.

6- Offer to help with child care. Arrange a schedule of day care pick-ups.

7- Offer a ride to and from treatment appointments.

8- Help run errands.

9- Offer to take phone calls if your friend is feeling tired and needs to rest.

10- Coordinate visits by groups, or coordinate sending cards, flowers, or gifts.

11- Honor your friend by making contributions to related charities, organizing blood drives, or making special efforts in his or her name.

12- Offer to do some research on their unanswered questions about cancer, or refer them to the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345.

13- You can plan a party for your friend upon the completion of his/her therapy.However make sure you check with the victim before you make your party plans,show him/her the list of those invited.

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