Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mesothelioma and Chromosomal Abberrations

One interesting study is called, "Specificity of asbestos-induced chromosomal aberrations in short-term cultured human mesothelial cells" -  Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics Volume 41, Issue 1, August 1989, Pages 33-39 by Kenth Olofssona and Joachim Mark, a Department of Pathology and Cytogenetics, Central Hospital, Skövde, Sweden.  Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - Short-term cultured normal human mesothelial cells were exposed for 48 hours to three different asbestos compounds, crocidiolite, chrysotile, and amosite. In the concentration used (0.01 mg/ml) all three asbestiform minerals caused, within a few days, a significant increase of cells showing numerical and/or structural abnormalities. The abnormalities were analyzed in detail using banding techniques. The results were compared with the cytogenetic observations in 52 published cases of mesotheliomas. This comparison revealed only a few similarities as regards numerical deviations. The structural rearrangements in asbestos-exposed cultures, however, in many instances involved chromosome types and chromosome regions preferentially affected in mesotheliomas."

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