Monday, January 24, 2011

Some of the Risk Factors Associated With Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a kind of cancer the affects the mesothelium which is a protective cover for many internal organs including the intestines, heart, lungs and others. The disease is associated with asbestos and majority of all cases have come into contact with the substance either through contact or inhaling it. When a factory worker handles asbestos, he risks exposing it to his family and therefore it becomes a very serious issue when so many people have to suffer. This is one of the cancer that affects the lungs and is not associated with smoking. Generally, the disease is quite rare and in the United States, only 2,000 cases are diagnosed annually and the disease is more common in men than in women. It has been found that you can be exposed to asbestos and 30 or 50 years later, will be when you start experiencing the symptoms of the disease.

Therefore, the major risk factor to getting mesothelioma is working near asbestos. If you have no idea what asbestos is, then you need to know that it is a name given to a group of minerals and they occur naturally. Their strong fibers can be woven because they are very flexible. They are used in industries to produce various products like roof shingles, brake linings, cement, flooring products, textiles and insulation. Many workers in this industry can inhale the fibers and some may be trapped in their cloths. When the disease had not been discovered, many people used to suffer and they all seemed to work in the asbestos mining industry. When the cause was established, safety measures were put in place and workers in the U.S wear personal protective equipment and are only exposed to acceptable amounts of asbestos.

Workers also take other safety measures like showering and changing cloths before they leave their work areas. This enables them to reduce the risk of exposing the asbestos to their families. The symptoms of mesothelioma vary from the specific organs they affect and in the chest, you will experience shortness of breathe and intense pain. In the abdomen, you will have bowel obstruction, blood clotting, anemia, lack of appetite and weight loss. There will be a host of other symptoms like swelling of the face and trouble while swallowing. You are advised not to hesitate but, to see a specialist who will make recommendations for treatment if you are suffering from a form of mesothelioma.

Once you visit the doctor, he will do a test for mesothelioma and it is one of the most difficult tests to do. Very many diseases have similar symptoms and this is the reason why it is so hard to diagnose. Your history will provide the major clue as to whether, you have had asbestos exposure. A series of x rays will be performed as well as a host of other examinations. A biopsy will determine whether the cells are noncancerous in your body and if they are cancerous, you will be advised on the way forward. There are many treatment options available and you can recover completely from this disease. The options are surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and others which have not been approved.

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