Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mesothelioma Cancer Treatment

Cancer of the Mesothelium or Mesothelioma as it is popularly called, occurs when the cells of the Mesothelium begin to behave in an unusually manner and attack other tissues and organs that are close by. The cancer cells are likely to spread to other areas of the body. Research has found that a greater portion of Mesothelioma cases start emanate in the pleura.

Mesothelioma is said to be a rare with about two thousand cases reported annually in the U.S. there has however been a steady increase in it occurrence over the last twenty years. Research has also shown that the disease is more prevalent in men and the old the person the greater the risk. It is important to note that both men and women are at risk for this disease.

The major risk factor for this disease includes prolonged asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a mineral fiber used in the construction industry. Approximately seventy-five percent of all cases are attributed to asbestos exposure at work. The greater the exposure to asbestos and the longer the exposure the more likely the disease will develop. There are however persons who have had minimal exposure who have developed Mesothelioma. Also no everyone who has had prolonged exposure develops the disease.

Mesothelioma symptoms sometimes do not show themselves until up to fifty years after being exposed to asbestos. Symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pains, weight loss, abdominal pain, and fever. Once the cancer has moved beyond the Mesothelium patients are likely to experience severe pain, swelling of the face and/or neck, and trouble swallowing.

To diagnose Mesothelioma a biopsy is performed. Once this is done the doctor will perform more tests to determine the stage of the disease. Determining the stage of the disease will assist the doctor is developing a treatment plan.

Mesothelioma is usually treated by way of surgery. If the disease in the stomach or chest part of the chest or stomach lining is removed. A portion of the adjoining tissues is also removed. If the disease is found in the pleura then a lung may have to be removed. Another treatment is radiation therapy which is used to kill the cancer cells and to eradicate the tumor. Chemotherapy is also used. Clinical trials are currently on the way to find new treatments for this disease.

Written By Sturat Mitchel author of

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