Friday, December 31, 2010

Mesothelioma Specialists

Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of lung cancer resulting from exposure to asbestos. Choosing a doctor with an established reputation in treating Mesothelioma can make all the difference in your treatment experience.

A mesothelioma diagnosis is a very serious matter and understanding your treatment options is very important. That is why consulting with your primary care physician is an essential first step in finding what mesothelioma treatments are available and which one is right for you. Your doctor will provide you with the latest mesothelioma treatments available in your area if possible. However, if there are no treatments for mesothelioma in your area then your doctor or oncologist may refer you to mesothelioma specialists in the surrounding states.

Treatment for mesothelioma depends on the location of the cancer, the stage of the disease, and the patient's age and general health.

Treatments available for Mesothelioma include:

Surgery A procedure to remove or repair a part of the body or to find out whether disease is present. The objective is to remove the body tissue with the most cancerous cells possible. In some cases, it is impossible to remove all of the tissue infected with cancer if the cancer has spread to several organs. In such cases, surgery can only be used to relieve pain and suffering.

Pneumonectomy This is an aggressive type of surgery in which a lung is removed. There are two types of this procedure, which are Traditional Pneumonectomy and Extrapleural Pneumonectomy. Traditional pneumonectomy involves removing only the disease lung. Extrapleural Pneumonectomy, involves removal of the diseased lung, along with part of the pericardium, part of the diaphragm and the parietal pleura on the same side of the chest.

A Pneumonectomy removes half the breathing capacity of a cancer patient and because of this, surgeons usually opt for a less-invasive procedure if possible. However, a pneumonectomy is probably the best option when a tumor is located in the middle of the lung and involves a significant portion of the pulmonary artery or veins.

Gene Therapy Genes are the biological units of heredity. Genes determine obvious traits, such as hair and eye color, as well as more subtle characteristics, such as the ability of the blood to carry oxygen. Complex traits, such as physical strength, may be shaped by the interaction of a number of different genes along with environmental influences.

Immunotherapy Immunotherapy is treatment that uses certain parts of the immune system to fight disease, including cancer. This can include stimulating your own immune system to work harder, or using an outside source, such as man made immune system proteins.

Photodynamic Therapy Photodynamic therapy (also called PDT, photoradiation therapy, phototherapy, or photochemotherapy) is a treatment for some types of cancer. It is based on the discovery that certain chemicals known as photosensitizing agents can kill one-celled organisms when the organisms are exposed to a particular type of light. PDT destroys cancer cells through the use of a fixed-frequency laser light in combination with a photosensitizing agent.

These treatments are sometimes combined. Currently, there are many clinical trials being conducted through the United States. A clinical trial is a research study that involves people and is designed to find new treatments and better ways to use current treatments. These clinical trials are conducted by doctors in order to find out if a particular treatment is effective against the disease and safe for patients before it is recommended for general use. Participation in clinical trials is a very important option to consider for those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Asbestos Lung Cancer Prognosis | Asbestos Lung Cancer Prognosis Tips and Guide -- Covers asbestos lung cancer prognosis related issues, news, research, and much more!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mesothelioma Cell Types

Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer that is almost always the result of asbestos exposure. The longer a person has been exposed to asbestos, the greater his or her chances are of developing this dangerous disease. Once you are diagnosed with mesothelioma, doctors will try to identify the cell type so that they can better estimate your life expectancy as well as devise the best treatment plan for you.

Mesothelioma attacks the special cells that line the cavities and organs of your body, called the mesothelium. Typically, this cancer is categorized based on the location of the initial tumor growth. For instance, if your cancer starts in your abdomen, it is called peritoneal mesothelioma. However, doctors will also try to identify the cell type present in your tumor.

Mesothelioma cells come in two different forms, epithelioid and sarcomatoid. Epithelioid cells make up 50-70% of mesothelioma cases, and they are generally more easily treated than sarcomatoid. Under a microscope, they appear cubic or tubular in shape with a distinct nucleus. On the other hand, sarcomatoid cells are less uniform with a less distinct nucleus. They are more fibrous, and they tend to appear in oval or spindle shapes.

Interestingly, epithelioid and sarcomatoid cells are easily confused with other types of cancer. Therefore, it can sometimes be difficult for a doctor to identify if you have mesothelioma or a type of cancer called sarcomatoid carcinoma or sarcoma, or epithelioid mesothelioma rather than adenocarcinoma.

The last type of mesothelioma is called biphasic. In fact, this is not its own cell type, but actually a mix of the two other types. These tumors will have mixed chunks of either epithelioid or sarcomatoid cells. Although biphasic tumors are easier to identify as mesothelioma than strictly one or the other, this is actually the most deadly form of this cancer.

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, no matter what the type, it is understandably a difficult and confusing time. For more information regarding this cancer, its treatment, and asbestos, please visit the Mesothelioma & Asbestos Help Center today.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Asbestos in Brakes Dont Blow It 1986 EPA

This 1986 videotape from the US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pollution, Prevention, and Toxics and the Maryland Lung Association is still relevant today, since asbestos brakes are not yet banned in the US. The video the covers potential health hazards from exposure to asbestos in brake dust as well as step-by-step methods and the equipment to be used to control brake dust effectively. Mechanics and anyone else in a garage where brake and clutch work are done may be exposed to asbestos dust. Some brake dust can be seen when a brake drum removed from a car, truck, or other equipment. But there are also many very small dust particles that can't be seen with the naked eye. These invisible particles may be asbestos or other brake lining materials. Breathing these particulates can damage your health. Many years after breathing them, they may cause shortness of breath, lung disease, or cancer. Asbestos is only one of many materials used in brake linings today. The only sure way to know what is in the dust from a particular brake is to test it in a laboratory. Since some newer brake lining materials are still being tested, caution is necessary. For current information, go to the EPA brochure Current Best Practices for Preventing Asbestos Exposure Among Brake and Clutch Repair Workers at . To learn about the politics of this document and issue, go to the 2007 paper HOW LITIGATION SHAPES THE SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE: ASBESTOS AND DISEASE AMONG AUTOMOBILE ...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lung Cancer Vs Mesothelioma

Cancer is a leading cause of death in America, claiming an estimated 569,490 lives in 2010 alone. Over 1.5 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year, and although this amount has decreased over the past fifteen years, many lives are still disrupted by cancer diagnoses. Two deadly forms of this disease are lung cancer and mesothelioma, but these are not quite the same disorder.

First, both lung cancer and mesothelioma can affect the lungs. However, mesothelioma describes a problem that attacks specialized cells that make up a lining called the mesothelium. The mesothelium is present around the lungs, heart, abdomen, and testicles, meaning that mesothelioma can strike other areas besides just the lungs. On the other hand, lung cancer strictly affects the actual cells that make up the lungs. Both cancers can spread to other areas, though, through a process called metastasis.

Also, because both cancers can occur in or near your lungs, they can manifest with several of the same symptoms. You can experience coughing, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, and chest pain. However, in 25% of lung cancer cases, there may be no symptoms until the tumors are discovered via x-ray or other devices.

Next, both cancers can be treated with the same combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, like other cancers. However, inconsistent survival rates for mesothelioma suggest that people's prognoses depend more on unconventional treatment or individual situations rather than on the cancer treatment. Additionally, lung cancer is the most deadly form of this disease, and it is fairly consistent with its death rates, unlike mesothelioma.

Lastly, there are several different causes of the two different cancers. Mesothelioma is almost always the result of exposure to asbestos. Lung cancer can also be caused by asbestos exposure. In addition, though, it can also arise due to smoking, secondhand smoke, radon gas exposure, air pollution, and lung diseases.

If you have developed mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure, you should make sure that you are thoroughly informed of your treatment options and outlook before making any major decisions. For more information, please visit the Mesothelioma Resource Center today.

James Witherspoon

Mesothelioma Lung Cancer and Its Treatments - Can a Cure Be Far Behind?

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects the lining of the abdomen or the chest. Malignant cells appear in the mesothelium, the sac that acts as protective cover for many of the internal organs in the body. A mesothelium is made of two cell layers - one that directly covers the organ and another that surrounds it. The mesothelium is responsible for producing a fluid that acts to lubricate the organs, such as the heart and the lungs, allowing them to move safely against other parts of the body. Without thorough examination and tests, it can easily be mistaken for lung cancer.

Depending on the part of the body where it appears, mesothelium is referred to in different ways. If it covers the organs located in the abdominal cavity, it is called the peritoneum. The mesothelium that provides protection for the heart is called the pericardium. If it covers the lungs and wall lining of the chest, it is called pleura. In the uterus, it is called the tunica serosa uteri and in the reproductive organs of the male, it is referred to as the tunica vaginalis testis.

Mesothelioma and lung cancer

The term mesothelioma means cancer of the mesothelium. It is not the same as lung cancer. Compared to other forms of cancer, it is rather rare, with only an average of 2,000 cases being diagnosed every year in the United States. This disease can affect both men and women and can appear at any age.

The risk of developing mesothelioma is increased due to exposure to asbestos. In fact, at least 70% of mesothelioma cases showed individuals with a history of exposure to the material. It can also affect people who are living with a person who has been exposed to asbestos. This doesn't limit mesothelioma to this group of people, however. It is also known to appear in other patients even if they have not had prior exposure.

How is mesothelioma diagnosed?

Differentiating mesothelioma and lung cancer is rather difficult, especially if the disease is already in the malignant stage. However, there are certain tests that a doctor may perform, including a physical examination, chest x-ray, CBC or complete blood count, removal of tissue samples for biopsy, bronchoscopy and thoracotomy. A cytologic exam may also be conducted where a small amount of fluid is taken from either the lungs or the abdomen and examined.

Some of the symptoms that merit a visit to the doctor include: difficulty in breathing, chest pain (usually located beneath the rib cage), lumps, swelling or pain in the abdomen and unexplained weight loss.

Is there a cure for mesothelioma?

As of today, no cure for mesothelioma has been discovered. However, there are treatments available to help manage the disease. Some of these treatments include surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


The most common treatment for mesothelioma is surgery, where a part of the affected part is removed, along with some of the surrounding tissue. This is the treatment that is often used during the early stages of the disease. It helps slow the progression of the disease and can help reduce the symptoms. In cases where the diseased has progressed extensively, other treatment options are considered.


Radiotherapy removes cancer cells by using high energy radiation beams. Radiotherapy is effective in removing cancer cells that may remain even after surgery. To ensure that radiation beams hit the target cells, x-rays and computer imaging are also used during the process. This makes sure that only cancer cells are destroyed and reduces the number of healthy cells that are affected.

Radiotherapy is also used as a palliative form of treatment and helps control the spread (metastases) of the cancer. It is also helpful in alleviating symptoms like difficulty in breathing and pain.


Chemotherapy is often administered intravenously or through the use of catheters, allowing anti-cancer drugs to enter the blood stream quickly. It is often recommended for patients who cannot undergo a surgical procedure.

Chemotherapy has some side effects, including nausea, vomiting, fever, fatigue, diarrhea or constipation. Bruises may also appear and even sores in the throat or mouth area. The kind of symptoms that appear in a patient depends on the chemotherapy treatment, dosage and on that particular patient's reaction.

These treatments are mean to remove as much of the cancerous tumors as possible and to provide relief from painful symptoms. They are also meant to help prolong the life of the patient.

Is there a cure for mesothelioma?

Further research and clinical trials are being performed to help find the best treatments that are the most effective against mesothelioma. No cure has been discovered yet. As of now, early detection and treatments have been showing better and better survival rates. Like lung cancer, mesothelioma can be halted if it is detected earlier.

For more information on mesothelioma and lung cancer, please go to:

Monday, December 27, 2010

Mesothelioma Laws

Mesothelioma is one of the deadliest and rarest forms of cancer types. Mesothelioma has developed for the people who have been exposed to the asbestos. The lawsuit for mesothelioma allows a person to file the case if the disease has developed through the exposure of asbestos. There are various law firms that offer you the best service in the claim for the compensation.

Mesothelioma laws provides you the complete resources regarding the different law firms of mesothelioma, top attorneys and lawyers, mesothelioma litigation, mesothelioma symptoms, treatment, and the diagnosis procedure. The Code of Federal Regulations [Title 29, Volume 8, Part 1926] states that asbestos is considered as one of the most hazardous and toxic substances known. This chapter gives information about various regulations and assessments for the person who has been exposed to asbestos.

A mesothelioma lawsuit can be filed by any of the person's family members when the person who has developed mesothelioma has already passed away. The lawsuit can also be filed by a family member who has developed the disease through a close contact with the person who has been exposed to the asbestos. The compensation could be millions of dollars for victims of mesothelioma who have been exposed to asbestos.

Compensation can be immediately claimed if any person has developed mesothelioma through the exposure of asbestos. The disease could have been easily prevented from developing. It is caused by the fault of outsiders such as irresponsible firms that have made no protection from the exposure of asbestos. The continuous inhaling of asbestos results in mesothelioma. The particles are ingested into the human system, damaging the cells of the protective membrane which surrounds various organs.

The appropriate eligibility has to be shown regarding the disease during the filing of compensation. In order to be eligible to claim, one needs to be quick since most states vary in the time limits that range from one to three years for the mesothelioma cases. As soon as the diagnosis has been confirmed, the mesothelioma sufferer should seek legal advice and assistance quickly to ensure the chances for the best compensation for his personal loss. A mesothelioma lawyer can help you in the lawsuit filed for the compensation claimed for the disease developed through exposure to asbestos.

Interview with Dr. David Sugarbaker, MD about Mesothelioma

Video of an interview with Dr. David Sugarbaker, MD about mesothelioma, from Information on class action lawsuits, class action attorneys, and more from and http

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lung Cancer Treatment Explored

Lung cancer currently ranks as the leading cause of cancer related death in men and women. Although continuing to decline in men, incidence rates remain stable in women, following an increase throughout the 1990's. Trends in lung cancer related deaths, are largely attributed to trends in smoking over the past several decades. In 2008, the American Cancer Society estimates 215,020 new cases will be diagnosed and 161,870 deaths due to lung cancer will occur in the United States alone...

Traditional treatment for lung cancer are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapies, ans photodtnamic therapy.

Your treatment will depend on what kind of lung cancer you have, and what stage your cancer is at (how serious it is).

In the case of surgery... there are many kinds of surgery for lung cancer, such as pneumonectomy (where one entire lung is removed), lobectomy (where a section "lobe" of the lung is removed), a segmentectomy / wedge resection (where part of a lobe is removed), laser surgery ( where a high-energy beam of light destroys the cancer cells in a tumor).

In the case of radiation therapy... this therapy uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells. The radiation can be delivered by a machine that directs the high-energy rays towards your cancer, or by a small radioactive pellet that gets implanted in or near the tumor.

In the case of chemotherapy... means taking anti-cancer drugs, either by swallowing them or by injection. One or more chemotherapy drugs may be administered through a vein in your arm (intravenously) or taken orally. A combination of drugs usually is given in a series of treatments over a period of weeks or months, with breaks in between so that your body can recover.

In the case of targeted drug therapy... these are newer cancer treatments that work by targeting specific abnormalities in cancer cells. Targeted therapy options for treating lung cancer include...

Bevacizumab (Avastin), which stops a tumor from creating a new blood supply. Blood vessels that connect to tumors can supply oxygen and nutrients to the tumor, allowing it to grow. Bevacizumab is usually used in combination with chemotherapy and is approved for advanced and recurrent non-small cell lung cancer. Bevacizumab carries a risk of severe bleeding.

Erlotinib (Tarceva), which blocks chemicals that signal the cancer cells to grow and divide. Erlotinib is approved for people with advanced and recurrent non-small cell lung cancer that haven't been helped by chemotherapy. Erlotinib side effects include a skin rash and diarrhea.

Doctors are getting better at diagnosing and treating lung cancer, which means people with lung cancer have a better chance of recovering and living longer. Still, lung cancer is one of the deadliest cancers. It's important for people with lung cancer to know what to expect and to plan for the future. It's also important to remember that not all lung cancers are the same, and that the treatment or the prognosis for one patient with lung cancer may be very different than the next person with lung cancer.

Some people choose to use alternative therapies as lung cancer treatment instead of conventional treatments or medicine, because when one begins to understand why cells have become cancerous in the first place, it makes sense to try and reverse the process.

For instance, we all know or should know that a weakened immune system leads to cancer... while a strong immune system seeks out and destroys cancer cells. For most of your life, the immune system has successfully dealt with cancer cells, killing them off as they developed. That's its job. For cancer to have developed in you, your immune system must have become worn out, ineffective and unable to deal with the cancer cells.

Thus it is vital in your battle against cancer to strengthen the immune system. Especially if you are getting medical treatments that wipe out the immune system, and make the body more acidic to boot. Many natural supplements and a proper diet supports the immune system. The other concern is to make sure you take enough. Lung cancer is not something to pussyfoot around with.

Wyatt Schell is a webmaster at the exclusive cancer treatment and help resource, - Follow this link for more revealing facts on lung cancer.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Treatment and Information - A Different Type

Peritoneal mesothelioma occurs in the abdominal lining and is a rare form of malignant cancers affecting lesser number of people than pleural mesothelioma. The peritoneum is made up of two parts such as visceral peritoneum that covers the internal organs and parietal peritoneum that covers the abdominal cavity. The cells in these two layers secrete fluid that helps in the movement of organs inside the abdomen. However, if the cells become malignant it overproduces causing excess fluid in the abdomen. It is widely believed that, risk factor associated with peritoneal mesothelioma is asbestos. Asbestos particles make their entry into the body either through ingestion or inhalation and reaches peritoneum through the lymphatic system causing malignancy of the cellular lining of abdomen.

The early signs of Peritoneal Mesothelioma include:

* Increased weight loss due to low intake of food

* Night sweats often accompanied with fever

* Increased abdominal girth coupled with bouts of abdominal pain and indigestion

* Extreme fatigue, fever and anemic condition

Tests and Diagnoses:

Based on symptoms doctors cannot ascertain presence of peritoneal mesothelioma but goes for medical investigations ranging from x-rays to CT scans to MRI. These imaging tests and studies help in the detection of the disease and also aids in knowing the stage and metastases of the cancer.

But, it is the biopsy that ultimately confirms the disease- either a fluid aspiration biopsy or a tissue biopsy. If the cancer is detected early it helps to cure it faster because as the cancer advances to diffuse peritoneal mesothelioma the cancer cells invade other body parts as well.

Treatment Methods:

The disease is very difficult to diagnose at early stages. One of the approaches is intra-peritoneal chemotherapy. In this method of treatment, following surgery, drugs are induced directly into the abdomen. In some cases, radiation therapy is done to shrink the tumors before surgery is done.

But, it is the cytoreductive surgery called debulking that is done. Although surgery is considered to be the first line of treatment yet it is not done for all patients. If the patients' physical health is failing, a surgical operation is enervating. In these cases, it is the palliative approach that works best. This therapy, simply works to reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life for the patients with chemotherapeutic drugs.

High-energy radiation is also used to treat peritoneal mesothelioma, but is not used alone. Radiation therapy is mostly followed by surgery and use of palliative

Chemotherapy drugs.

Latest Advancements:

There are ongoing clinical trials and experiments such as immunotherapy, gene therapy and usage of antiangiogenesis drugs for treating the cancer. Multi-modality approach often proved to be useful in certain cases and intracavitary chemotherapy and radiation therapy are subjects of further research and tests.

Friday, December 24, 2010

What Are The Staging Systems Of Mesothelioma?

There are three primary systems used to determine what stage of mesothelioma a patient is in: the Butchart System, which is based on the primary tumor's size; the TNM System, which is based on the size of the tumor and the spread of the cancer; and the Brigham System, which stages based on whether surgery is applicable and whether or not lymph nodes are affected.

Malignant Mesothelioma and Benign Mesothelioma - How Are They Different?

Most of your body's internal organs are covered by a membrane called the mesothelium. When a person gets a type of malignant or benign cancer called mesothelioma it affects the mesothelium.

The pleura is the lining around your lungs. Most mesothelioma cases start in the pleura or the peritoneum, which is the lining that surrounds your abdomen.

What Causes Mesothelioma?

Wherever it begins, the disease was almost always a result of being exposed to asbestos.

Asbestos is a silicate that has been mined and used for centuries because of its many useful properties which include thermal insulation, thermal stability, and chemical stability. Many of the people who have developed malignant mesothelioma have had jobs where they were exposed to asbestos fibers and either inhaled or swallowed the particles.

Malignant Mesothelioma Survival Rates

Mesothelioma survival rates reflect the percentage of people who have the disease and survive for a specific amount of time. Survival rates often reflect a five year time span.

Generally, the survival rate for mesothelioma depends on the following:

1. The patient's health and age

2. The stage of mesothelioma

3. The tumor's size

4. Whether or not the tumor can be removed

Since many variables are involved there are not absolutes. For example, if a patient is diagnosed with stage 1 mesothelioma and is generally in good health then he or she might be a candidate for mesothelioma treatment or surgery. If there is a good response to the treatments then there could be significant improvements for the chance of survival.

With that being said, here are average survival rates for mesothelioma sufferers:

- Approximately 40% survive the first year

- Approximately 20% survive the second year

- Approximately 12% survive the third year

- Approximately 10% survive the fourth year

- Less than 10% survive the fifth year

Since conditions do vary from one person to the next it is recommended that patients consult with their doctors.

What is Benign Mesothelioma?

Approximately 10% of all mesothelioma cases are benign. Because it isn't cancerous, treatment is much easier and it can be removed.

The symptoms are very similar to those of cancerous mesothelioma. However benign tumors don't invade nearby organs and tissues. They don't spread to other parts of a person's body.

Nonetheless, if a benign tumor grows large enough it can induce seizures or comas.

Once a person is diagnosed with benign mesothelioma then treatment and/or surgery will probably be scheduled. Most patients completely recover. Their pain usually diminishes and they most likely will find it easier to breathe.

Research indicates that 90% of benign mesothelioma patients have not had a repeated occurrence of a tumor growth.

Next, if you suffer from mesothelioma and would like to schedule free consultation with a firm that specializes in mesothelioma cases, go to =>

Wendy Moyer on behalf of Sokolove Law.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mesothelioma Is Not Lung Cancer

In this video, Dr. Case describes the differences between mesothelioma cancer and lung cancer. Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos and is around the lung, while lung cancer is inside the lung. Shown with graphics.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Video - National Mesothelioma Lawyers - Asbestos Exposure

Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer can both be caused by Asbestos exposure. Different types of treatment are available for these types of cancer, including traditional cancer treatments such as Chemotherapy and surgery, as well as experimental treatments and clinical trials. In the San Diego area? If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer because of exposure to Asbestos, we can help. Call 877.622.5246 or visit

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Clinical trials for an operation for sufferers of lung cance

Clinical trials for an operation for sufferers of lung cancer caused by asbestos dust are starting at a Leicester hospital.

Ashley Hyde Appeal

Ashley is a very happy and cheeky little boy. At the age of just 5 years he was diagnosed with stage 4 mycn amplified neuroblastoma on the 9th June 2008. Neuroblastoma is an aggressive childhood cancer. The disease is caused by abnormal neuroblasts or nerve cells which are special cells present in babies and children that help create the adult nervous system. Tumours originate from the sympathetic nervous system, which runs from the neck to the tailbone and can spread to other organs, bones and the bone marrow. If the cancer is diagnosed early, surgery and chemotherapy can be curative, but in 70% of cases the disease is not diagnosed until it has already widely spread, unfortunately this was the situation with Ashleys case. Upon diagnosis Ashley had a 12- 10 - 8 cm tumour above his left kidney and wide spread disease to the bone marrow in both legs, hips, shoulders and 1 arm. Ashleys little body started an incredibly hard battle to rid the neuroblastoma in it, Ashley under went 70 days of chemotherapy called RAPID COJEC a mixture of Vincristine, Carboplatin, Etoposide, Cisplatin and Cyclophosphamide. The neuroblastoma did respond, halving the size of the mass and clearing 95% of the bone marrow, but unfortunately there were still 4 small hot spots that were visible on scans. Ashley then went on the have 4 rounds of a harsher mix of chemotherapy called TVD (Topotecane, Vincristine and Doxorubicin). This helped clear some of the secondary cancers that were in wide spread ...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Determining Life Expectancy of Mesothelioma Patients

Once a person has been diagnosed with a cancer of any sort, the doctors will put their heads together to determine how great of a chance of survival the person will have with successful treatment. They will also try to determine how long they think the person will live without treatment or if treatment is unsuccessful.

In determining how long a person who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma has to live, the doctors will examine a number of factors. While it is true that they examine a number of known factors, every patient is a unique case whose life expectancy cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. Due to almost daily advances in the field of cancer treatment, the life expectancy of a person diagnosed with mesothelioma now is greater than that of a person who was diagnosed five years ago.

That being said, mesothelioma is still a serious disease that has not experience much luck in finding effective treatment options. Still, life expectancy is greater today than someone five years ago.

After analyzing all of the mesothelioma cases presented, doctors have determined that the middle portion of the bell curve is 4 and 18 months. This means that 25% of people diagnosed with mesothelioma live less than four months and 25% live for more than eighteen months. 50% of all diagnosed with mesothelioma live between four and eighteen months. While this information is scary, it does not break the cases down into stages of diagnosis or even whether treatment is even attempted.

Factors that influence the life expectancy of any cancer patient, including those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, vary. Some of the factors include:

- The stage of the disese when diagnosed

- The point at which it is diagnosed

- Whether the cancer is localized or has spread

- The patient's age and health condition

- Wha treatments are feasible based on the condition and health of the patient

Out of all of the factors influencing the life expectancy of a person diagnosed with mesothelioma, the stage of mesothelioma at diagnoses is the most important piece of the puzzle. It is the greatest indicator of how long or how short a patient's life expectancy is. Because the early symptoms of mesothelioma actually resemble those of other, much more common illnesses, many patients are misdiagnosed in the early stages. By the time the cancer has been discovered, the cancer has already reached an advanced stage.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

November 2008

This was the day after Siobhan's birthday, 6th November. We had an un-birthday for her as I would be traveling to Frankfurt for my 5th treatment. Great to see the Prof again and get more good news.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Mesothelioma, Asbestos Lung Cancer Asbestosis- Legal Help

Did you know that Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer can both be caused by Asbestos exposure? Different types of treatment are available for these types of cancer, including traditional cancer treatments such as Chemotherapy and surgery, as well as experimental treatments and clinical trials. If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer because of exposure to Asbestos, we can help you. Call 877.622.5246 or visit

Friday, December 17, 2010

Frankfurt May 2008, the aboriginal visit.

This blog is about the first visit to see Professor Vogl. He gave me so much hope with this consultation, little did I know at the time just how much of an impact this treatment would have on my life. This was taken over a year ago.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Median Isn't the Message by Stephen J Gould

I don't have cancer, but SJG did. I'm just reading his essay. Thanks for the nice thoughts, though : ) This is one of the most profound essays I've ever read about a rational person being confronted with cancer. I'm a great fan of SJG. His books inspired me to science, and to look at the world in a new way. I've stolen this wholesale from Steve Dunn, and was led to it by Orac of Respectful Insolence: "Stephen Jay Gould was an influential evolutionary biologist who taught at Harvard University. He was the author of at least ten popular books on evolution, and science, including, among others, The Flamingo's Smile, The Mismeasure of Man, Wonderful Life, and Full House. As far as I'm concerned, Gould's The Median Isn't the Message is the wisest, most humane thing ever written about cancer and statistics. It is the antidote both to those who say that, "the statistics don't matter," and to those who have the unfortunate habit of pronouncing death sentences on patients who face a difficult prognosis. Anyone who researches the medical literature will confront the statistics for their disease. Anyone who reads this will be armed with reason and with hope." "Many people have written me to ask what became of Stephen Jay Gould. Sadly, Dr. Gould died in May of 2002 at the age of 60. Dr. Gould lived for 20 very productive years after his diagnosis, thus exceeding his 8 month median survival by a factor of thirty! Although he did die of cancer, it apparently wasn't ...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Esophageal Cancer

Esophageal cancer Exposure to asbestos may increase the risk of certain types of esophageal cancer. Esophageal cancer can occur in the larynx, or voice box. It can also occur in the oropharynx, which is the part of the throat at the back of the mouth. This type of cancer can spread to almost any other part of the body. Esophageal cancer is divided into two types: Squamous cell carcinomas - occur in the cells that line the esophagus Adenocarcinomas - occur in the glandular tissue in the lower part of the esophagus Symptoms of esophageal cancer can include: Difficulty swallowing Weight loss Pain in the throat Hoarseness Vomiting If you or a loved one has a history of asbestos exposure, you may wish to visit our Testing for Asbestos-Related Illness page. There you will find information on the various medical tests available for confirming the presence of asbestos-related illnesses and abnormalities.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Asbestos Mesothelioma Cover-Up


Mesothelioma is caused by inhaling or ingesting asbestos fibers. The books Outrageous Misconduct: The Asbestos Industry on Trial, written by Paul Brodeur, Pantheon Books, New York, New York, 1985, and Asbestos: Medical and Legal Aspects, 4th Edition, written by Barry I. Castleman, Aspen Law and Business, Engelwood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1996 and other sources of information show that asbestos companies had extensive knowledge that the use of asbestos in their products and by their employees would cause serious health issues for individuals in the future. Yet companies continued to use asbestos and placed the lives and health of their employees in jeopardy. The following are just a small sample of events that occurred that provided companies with knowledge that asbestos was dangerous:

o 1918: Frederick Hoffman, a medical statistician for the Prudential Life Insurance Company, reported in a United States Department of Labor Bulletin that American life insurance companies generally deny coverage to asbestos workers because of the "assumed health-injurious conditions of the industry."

o 1930: One major asbestos company, Johns-Manville, produces a report, for internal company use only, detailing the fatalities and medical injuries of asbestos workers.

o 1932: A letter from the United States Bureau of Mines to asbestos manufacturer Eagle-Picher states, "It is now known that asbestos dust is one of the most dangerous dusts to which man is exposed."

o 1933: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company doctors find that 29% of the workers at one Johns-Manville plant are suffering from asbestosis. Johns-Manville settles lawsuits by 11 employees on the condition that the lawyer for the employees agrees that he will not bring any new actions against Johns-Manville.

o 1934: Officials at Johns-Manville and Raybestos Manhattan, rewrite an article about the diseases of asbestos workers written by a Metropolitan Life Insurance Company doctor to minimize the danger of asbestos dust.

o 1936: A group of asbestos companies agree to sponsor research on the health effects of asbestos dust, but require that the companies have complete control over the disclosure of the results.

o 1942-43: The president of Johns-Manville says that the managers of another company were "a bunch of fools for notifying employees who had asbestosis." When one of the people in attendance ask, "Do you mean to tell me you would let them work until they drop dead?" According to deposition testimony, the response was, "Yes. We save a lot of money that way."

o 1944: The Journal of the Medical Association reports that asbestos is one of the "agents known or suspected to cause occupational cancer."

o 1951: Asbestos companies remove all references to cancer before allowing publication of research they sponsor concerning exposure to asbestos.

o 1953: National Gypsum's safety director wrote to the Indiana Division of Industrial Hygiene, recommending that acoustic plaster mixers wear respirators "because of the asbestos used on the product." Another company official notes that the letter was "full of dynamite," and urges that the letter be retrieved before reaching its destination. A memo from those files notes that the company "succeeded in stopping" the letter which "will be modified."

o 1989 and 1991: In 1989, the United States Environmental Protection Agency bans asbestos and most of its uses, but, in 1991, asbestos companies win a federal lawsuit which overturns the EPA's asbestos ban.

o 1999: The Florida Supreme Court rules that Owens Corning willfully withheld information about the dangers of working with the company's asbestos products. The Florida Supreme Court describes it as a "blatant disregard for human safety involving large numbers of people put at life-threatening risks."

As stated, the above actions by these companies are just a small sample of the many actions by companies using asbestos which did so in disregard of the safety of their employees and other innocent victims. Companies, who so frivolously ignored the health of the public and their own employees, are the targets of our litigation

Unfortunately, millions of people have been exposed to asbestos over the years. Only now are we able to see the disastrous effects of asbestos exposure in the workplace.

As with other cancers, a speedy diagnosis is important to effective treatment of mesothelioma. If you believe that you may have mesothelioma and that you worked with asbestos in the past, you may wish to inform your doctor of this fact.

It has been well documented that asbestos is dangerous and many of these companies ignored the health risk to their employees. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma in the last five years you should seek the advice of an experienced mesothelioma lawyer so that you will know your rights under the law. Lawyers who have experience in these cases and who have won significant awards for their clients will best be able to help you or your loved one.

For more information contact: Maune Raichle Law firm 1-800-358-5922. The firm specializes in mesothelioma cases. Or go to:

Patricia Hughes works for an Internet marketing firm, ePlus Marketing. For more information contact: Maune Raichle Law firm 1-800-358-5922. The firm specializes in mesothelioma cases. Or go to:

Monday, December 13, 2010


Mesothelioma Cancer Can Now Be Detected Earlier

U.S. researchers find specific changes in the blood of patients suffering from two types of fatal cancers are pancreatic cancer and mesothelioma cancer. This allows the physician to diagnose cancer at earlier stages.

By using scanning technology developed by Somalogic Inc., the company researchers say they can detect early signs of pancreatic cancer and one type of lung cancer called mesothelioma in people who are diagnosed but not receiving treatment for the disease. "At this time the cancer is detected at an advanced stage, when the possibility of treatment has been minimal," said Rachel Ostroff, director of clinical research on Somalogic Inc., who presented the findings at a meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Denver recently.

Pancreatic cancer usually strikes without symptoms and only recently recognized at an advanced stage. The National Cancer Institute says pancreatic cancer is rarely curable. If the cancer is still in the pancreas (localized), cure rates will be higher. Even so, it is usually best wishes in all cases only slightly less than 20 percent.

For patients with cancer that is still smaller than 2 cm, with no spread to lymph nodes, cancer surgery can save patients up to five years at least. This possibility could reach 18-24 percent.

The pancreas is an organ shaped like a tube sponges length approximately 6 inches, which is found behind the stomach. The pancreas produces enzymes and hormones, including insulin. Pancreatic enzymes help digest food in the small intestine, whereas insulin to control blood sugar levels. Both enzymes and hormones necessary for maintaining the body to work properly.

Men have twice as likely to attack this disease. Pancreatic cancer is more common in smokers than nonsmokers. People suffering from chronic pancreatic disease and those who are likely to suffer from long-standing diabetes (especially women) have a greater risk.

Meanwhile, mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is often caused by malignant cells that develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the organs. The most common is the pleura (outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall), but may also occur in the pericardium, or lining vaginalis.

Most of the people affected by mesothelioma caused by frequent exposure to asbestos particles. Washing clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos can also be at risk of developing mesothelioma. Unlike lung cancer, and no association between mesothelioma and smoking.

Symptoms of mesothelioma include shortness of breath due to pleural fluid (fluid between the lung and the chest wall) or chest wall pain, and also because of excess weight. "This aggressive cancer detection at earlier stages will identify patients for early treatment, which may improve their quality of life and a chance to recover," he said.

Pancreatic cancer is relatively rare, but it is the fourth largest cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States (U.S.). While mesothelioma, caused by asbestos, killed around 15 thousand to 20 thousand people per year worldwide.

In October, NEC Corp. of Japan to invest U.S. $ 5 million as part of a strategic partnership with Somalogic, based in Colorado to develop technology aimed at detecting the disease by testing the protein in a drop of blood. Somalogic test depends on aptamers - a series of genetic material that is bound to proteins. Somalogic have improved technology that makes the molecule more likely to fixate on particular proteins.

For the study, researchers tested the blood sample firms patients suffering from two types of cancer, and those who joined in the control group who have a condition with symptoms similar to pancreatitis and cancers such as lung fibrosis.

The team used computer models to find significant differences in biology, or biological markers that distinguish blood samples from cancer patients with those who do not have cancer.

For both cancers, the team found a biological marker that has high accuracy in detecting any type of cancer, said Ostroff. They are also very specific, in the sense that they are able to properly remove the people who do not suffer from the cancer. Now biomarkers that need to be confirmed by other studies to ensure that the results are accurate and can be reproduced in diagnostic tests. "It's easy to find biomarkers," Ostroff said at the meeting. "It's hard to do validation on them."

Ostroff said his team will observe a number of factors that can trigger false positive results, such as how long a sample should be placed on the shelf before being tested. "We examined these parameters to ensure that we observe biomarkers of disease," he said.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mesothelioma and Homeopathy

Mesothelioma is a dreaded lung cancer caused due to asbestos exposure. Though the symptoms of lung cancer do not occur immediately, the person may develop cancer after may be a few decades. It is the malignancy affecting serous membranes of the body. Though the prime site of affection is lung, other sites like abdominal peritoneum or pericardium may also be affected.

Though the cancer is very rare, the symptoms and signs leave patients restless and in agony. No definitive cure has yet been found by medical experts. In the earlier stages, surgery in the form of resection is helpful but chances of recurrence are high. In later stages, chemotherapy and radiation are carried out. But nowadays doctors emphasize on undergoing clinical trials for patients of Mesothelioma because numerous trials are being carried out in reputed cancer institutes. However the results are uncertain and the process may be excessively expensive.

Considering all the options, many doctors nowadays suggest the alternative therapies like Homeopathy for the dread called Mesothelioma. The homeopaths all over the world are contemplating various possibilities for the treatment of Mesothelioma. Though they do not boast to cure Mesothelioma totally, they do have very good results in terms of alleviation of symptoms of Mesothelioma. The excessive cough, chest pain, and constitutional symptoms like malaise, fever or weakness can be effectively dealt with by different Homeopathic remedies.

One of the definitive treatments in Homeopathy for Mesothelioma is mistletoe therapy. It is an immuno-augmentative therapy in which an herb called Iscador is extracted from mistletoe and administered to the patient in the form of injections or tablets. As the name suggests, the therapy aims at boosting the suppressed immune system and thus giving relief to the troubled patient.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mesothelioma Therapy - What Are the Options?

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that affects the membranes surrounding the internal organs of humans. When not detected until it has progressed to a late stage, it is often difficult, if not impossible to control. Adding to the particular danger of this cancer is that the symptoms are very general and non-specific. Because of this, it is often not diagnosed early enough. Exposure to asbestos is the leading cause of mesothelioma, documented in nearly all cases.

Because of its aggressive spread, you should contact your doctor as soon as you begin to suspect mesothelioma, especially if you have been exposed to asbestos at some point. You can first expect a screening from your doctor, which can include a variety of tests like X-Rays or CT scans. If these preliminary tests show any sign of mesothelioma, you can expect a long series of additional tests to rule out any other diseases.

The only definitive test for mesothelioma is a moderately invasive procedure called a biopsy. If your previous screenings come back positive, a small sample of tissue will be removed from the affected area and examined by a specialist. There are many different types and techniques of biopsy at your doctor's disposal, and he/she will select the right one depending on where the cancerous growth is located. Depending on which stage your cancer has advanced to, your Mesothelioma therapy options may be many. Mesothelioma can be classified as being in one of four stages of development.

Stage I is the earliest and very localized. If found at this stage, the prognosis can be quite good. Therapy options at this point can include surgical removal of the tumor, chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Clinical trials may also be used on a limited basis to determine the usefulness of new cancer fighting compounds.

Stage II refers to mesothelioma that has spread to other areas near the tumor. Once the cancer begins to spread, the prognosis rapidly deteriorates, however with the right treatment and mindset, hope for recovery still remains. Many of the same therapies for stage I are used for Stage II. Quite often with an individual who has stage I or stage II mesothelioma, the doctor will employ several therapies in conjunction with one another. While very effective, this can leave the patient in a very weakened state, and thus is not recommended for more advanced stages.

Stage III indicates the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. At this point, techniques such as surgery are limited in their effectiveness, simply because of the volume of cancer in the patient. If surgery is elected during stage III or IV, it is usually to increase the quality of life for the patient. Radiation and chemotherapy can still be used at this stage as a mesothelioma therapy, however their ability to control the cancer is diminished significantly.

Stage IV is the most advanced type and is applied to cases where the cancer has spread to parts of the body far removed from the tumor. Usually, when stage IV is reached, the mesothelioma spreads to the brain and the prognosis is very low. Mesothelioma therapy options at this point are usually used to improve the patient's quality of life, although there have been cases where a patient has been responsive enough to treatment that remission is achieved.

The number one asset you have in beating this cancer has little to do with choosing your mesothelioma therapy, but is catching your disease early. More than the different techniques used to combat the cancer, the early discovery of it can determine your prognosis.

Cure for Lung Cancer

It would be false to assume that there is cure for lung cancer especially if it has reached the terminal stages or the stages 3 and 4. When cancer reaches these stages, there is a very slim chance that the cancer can be cured.

However, there are several treatments which can be done in order to fight the growing lung cancer cells. Treatment for lung cancer can have a good prognosis if: the person's health is optimal, the cancer cells have not advanced and grew in number and the preference and dedication of the patient to submit to treatment therapy.

In treating cancer, several treatment regimens are needed in order to achieve a better reaction. Some of the treatments done are chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, and multi-drug therapy.

A patient can choose not to undergo one treatment modality if it concerns him or her. If the person chooses not to, the physician can suggest focusing the care on the patient's comfort which is termed as palliative treatment rather than the actual disease itself.


In lung cancer surgery, the surgeon will have the option to remove the cancer and parts of the tissue marginalizing it. Some of the procedures that are used to remove the cancer inside the lungs are:

1. Pneumonectomy - removal of the entire lung
2. Lobectomy - removal of the entire lobe of just one lung
3. Wedge resection - removal of a tiny section of a lung which contains the cancer cells together with portions of healthy tissues surrounding it.

When surgery is done, the surgeon may or may not opt to remove the adjacent lymph nodes from the inside of your chest in order to check for cancer cells as well. If the nodes are found out to contain some cancer cells, metastasis is indicative. Surgery for lung cancer has different risks like infection and internal bleeding. Pain may be experienced after the surgery, therefore medicines to mask it are to be prescribed. Soon, rehabilitation or physical therapy will be suggested by your physician in order to restore the client's active range or motion and muscle strength.


Here, drugs are used. Chemotherapeutic drugs can be administered via intravenous injection or oral administration. The series of drug treatments can last for a period of several weeks and even months with breaks in between therapy to let the body rest. Chemotherapy is used as the first line of cure in lung cancer treatment if surgery is not opted or serves as a follow up treatment after a surgery. Furthermore, there are cases wherein chemotherapy is used in order to lessen side effects or complications of lung cancer.

Radiation Therapy

Here, high-powered beams like x-rays are used in order to eliminate cancer cells. This kind of therapy can either be internal or external. Internal radiation is the usage or insertion of, seeds needles or catheters inside the human body adjacent to the cancer cell which is also known as brachytherapy. In external therapy, the person's chest is exposed to the high-powered beam.

While many are willing to go through a series of treatment procedures in order to achieve a cure for lung cancer, some refuses to try it. One of the main reasons why people refuse to undergo such treatment procedures is because of the notion that the side effects are more prevalent than the benefits.

Charlene J. Nuble is a healthcare professional who loves writing about health related stuffs. Click on the link to learn more about Cure for Lung Cancer

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mesotherapy Injections

Mesotherapy Injections are usually given with tiny small-bore needles. The injections go to a depth of a few millimeters below the skin, to a layer of fat and connective tissue called the mesoderm. Patients describe Mesotherapy Injections as being relatively painless when compared to conventional injections. The amount of pain felt depends on each patient's pain threshold and whether a local anesthetic is used during the procedure. Injections are said to feel like a brief burning sensation, an ant bite, or a bee sting. The number of injections given depends on the duration of treatment, which in turn depends on the area being treated and the extent of the condition. Most mesotherapy treatments range from four to ten sessions. Each session is typically one to two weeks apart.

Compounds that are injected depend on what condition is being treated. Very often, mesotherapists add the active compound to treat a particular condition to a base containing local anesthetic and a compound that causes blood vessels in the area to dilate. This helps reduce pain, and improves local circulation in the area to allow the active compound to reach its target cells. The actual compounds themselves may be fat reduction agents, vitamins, muscle relaxants, enzymes, hormones, or some other substance. While the US Food and Drug Administration has approved most of these compounds for use on humans, they are not approved for use in mesotherapy because mesotherapy itself is not considered a formal part of allopathic medicine in the US.

Like any other injections, Mesotherapy Injections carry the risk of side effects including infection, local allergic reactions, bruising, swelling and pain. Infections are usually caused by non-sterile injection practices, and are more common among patients of unlicensed mesotherapy practitioners.

Mesothelioma cancer video for hope Mesothelioma everything you need to know.mesothelioma Love You Dad Mesothelioma Cancer is considered, within the medical profession, to be a serious illness. Mesothelioma Doctors are now available to those who are sufferers of Mesothelioma Cancer. Mesothelioma Doctors...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Abdominal Wall Defects - Omphalocele - Gastroschisis - Fetal Diagnosis & Treatment - CHOP (2 of 11)

The two types of major abdominal wall defects for which Children's Hospital most often provides treatment are omphalocele and gastroschisis. More info at In this series of videos, parents, nurses and doctors at the Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment talk about abdominal wall defects such as gastroschisis and omphalocele and how The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia is making great strides in fetal surgery and the treatment of children with these conditions. More info at

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why Is It Difficult to Defeat Mesothelioma?

Billions of dollars are being spent to defeat the deadly disease of mesothelioma but still no satisfactory success has been achieved in this case. Despite tremendous efforts going on vast scale mesothelioma seems to be an undefeatable health concern confronting a large section of society today. But why these efforts are going in vain and why it seems so difficult to overcome this growing menace? The answer is that there are present some important factors due to which mesothelioma has become a challenge for world best doctors and physicians. Those factors due to which it is hard to control and treat mesothelioma are discussed here briefly.

1- Mesothelioma Symptoms Appear Very Lately

The very first reason which creates obstacle in diagnosing mesothelioma timely is late appearance of its symptoms. In majority of mesothelioma cases patient is diagnosed at such stage where fewer options left in hand for his physician to increase the number of days of his life. A patient suffering from mesothelioma shows symptoms after 15 to 25 years or even late when it becomes almost impossible to get him back to healthy life track. Therefore it is also categorized among those diseases that act like a 'silent killer' for human life.

2- Short Period Asbestos Exposure Is Enough to Cause Mesothelioma

The next reason is the high possibility of cancerous cells proliferation only after 2 to 3 months exposure to asbestos. It does not require several years' asbestos exposure to spread its roots into protective lining of human body organs. Short term asbestos exposure is enough to cause mesothelioma easily.

3- Rapid Spread through Direct or Indirect Asbestos Exposure

Lastly it spreads rapidly either by direct or indirect exposure to asbestos. Indirect exposure involves inhaling in the atmosphere containing dust particles coming from a mesothelioma victim. In this way indirect asbestos exposure can cause spreading it among all family members if one of them unfortunately becomes its victim through direct exposure.

So these are the reasons due to which day and night efforts to control and overcome this type of cancer are being wasted. The only thing which can be done is to halt the process of proliferation of cancerous cells by applying various treatment options including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery but nothing can be done to reverse the damage done to protective lining of internal body parts.

Green Tea - Why it's Good for Mesothelioma

One of the rarest forms of cancer is the mesothelioma cancer. This is a form of cancer that affects the lining of the lungs but it is different from lung cancer. The major difference is that it is the mesothelium (a double-layered organ lining), which is strongly affected rather than the entire lung itself. But this does not make mesothelioma less deadly. In fact, compared with other types of cancers, mesothelioma is one of those few forms that do not have any cure. This might come in as a grim reality but early detection and prevention of the illness would be much better than thinking of the methods of treatment that would only alleviate the pain or slow down the growth of the cancer cells.

If this form of cancer has already its clout on you, make sure to combat it with, not only your unending faith, but also some of the proven methods of treatment that would prolong your existence and alleviate pain. The most common methods of treatment include radiation therapy and chemotherapy; immunotherapy and also for the worse cases--surgery. But the good news is, there are alternative forms of treatment that are now being introduced to cancer patients. One of the many treatments is partaking of natural stuff that has medicinal substances in them. This is called the natural method of treatment.

Green tea is just one of the many substances that have anti-oxidants which help in neutralizing free radicals that cause cancer. Other sources of anti-oxidants include the following: asparagus, blueberries, red beans, tomatoes, pomegranates, and yes, even dark chocolates! Anti-oxidants are necessary in combating cancers because they help in battling the unhealthy cells from invading the still healthy cells.

Long before the discovery of cancer or any of those fatal diseases, the Chinese have already accustomed themselves to drinking green tea for better health. Thousands of years ago, they have already reaped the benefits of having green tea on their diet.

Green tea is rich with catechin polyphenols and EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate (which is a potent anti-oxidant. The main difference green tea has when compared with all other forms of mesothelioma cancer treatment methods is that, it kills the cancer cells as it leaves the healthy cells, well, healthy.

But a great news is that, a study at the University of Kansas showed that green tea is 100 times more effective in deactivating free radicals when compared to vitamin C. There have been countless studies regarding the prevention and treatment of cancer through the help of green tea. All of these studies have proven that green tea did reduce the occurrence of most types of cancer.

The Saitama Cancer Research Institute did a more specific study where green tea was specified to have delayed the occurrence of cancer (forms include mouth cancer, breast cancer and, of course, lung cancer) if 5 or more cups were consumed daily. Not only was the occurrence hampered but also the recurrence of the disease once it is detected early and then treated!

As if all of this wasn't enough, green tea is a cut above the rest of the sources of anti-oxidants because it isn't fermented when it's processed. Fermentation causes some changes in the anti-oxidants (which, of course, you would not want!).

With regard to mesothelioma cancer, this is known to be one of the most aggressive forms of cancer so it is best to counter the effects of the cancer cell attacks by taking in a substance that would equally hamper the invasion at the same speed. Green tea is best at stopping the growth of abnormal cells that affect the still healthy cells. It does all this because green tea greatly improves the immune system which is the body's natural army against illnesses.

And do you want to know another great thing? Green tea does not have any side effects! So if you are still in doubt as to the medicinal effects of this type of tea, it is actually safe to include this on your diet now. Although it has caffeine, its content when compared to coffee or even the regular sodas are contrastingly low.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Can Mesothelioma Be Treated?

Mesothelioma cancer is a very dangerous disease that can attack some vital organs in the human body, it can attack the lungs, "not the lungs itself but the layer that surround the lungs". It can also attack the abdomen especially the layers surround the organs of the abdominal cavity. It can attack the sac of heart "the pericardium" and cause malignant tumors in those areas.

The diagnosis process would be very difficult for two facts, the first fact is the very long time of tumors to appear, the tumors take from 25 to 50 years to appear and be recognized. After diagnosis has been achieved, doctor can begin the treatment plan instantly. The second fact is the high similarities between the symptoms of mesothelioma and other diseases.

The treatment plan of mesothelioma cancer can be divided to three options, the first and the most effective option is the surgery in which doctors will remove the tumors from the affected area. With pleural mesothelioma "lung membrane cancer", doctors may remove one of the two lung as a result from the high prevalence of tumors.

The chemotherapy treatment can be a very effective option, it can be a very strong treatment after the surgery to finish all remain cancer cells. So, doctors will use this option in a combination with the surgery to make a good treatment plan.

The radiation therapy is also can destroy the cancer cells, it can also be a secondary treatment after the surgery. Doctors can use the available options to make a good mix and help the patient get an effective treatment for his/her meothelioma case.

Learn how to treat mesothelioma: []

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Mesothelioma Diagnosis & Treatment Options

Pleural Mesothelioma is a type of cancer, that is brought about generally by direct exposure to asbestos, that has an effect on the various layers of the pleura about the chest wall. A couple of indications include things like shortness of breath and losing weight. However, exposure to asbestos doesn't necessarily bring about cancer. Remedies for it and exactly why it has an effect on some individuals but not others is continually getting explored.

X-rays in most cases establish the diagnosis of Pleural Mesothelioma after which the patient will be referred to a medical oncologist. The oncologist should identify exactly what stage the sufferer is in and also advise therapies. Similar to other types of cancer there are several stages. Receiving a Pleural Mesothelioma prognosis is challenging simply because each and every circumstance is dependent upon the patient's personal health condition and stage they are in.

When just the outermost layer of the pleura about the chest wall or diaphragm is afflicted by Pleural Mesothelioma it can be referenced as "stage 1." At this stage the oncologist may possibly suggest radiation treatments. If your doctor refers to it as "stage 1b" that will signify it might have also passed to the interior layer, closer to the lungs, although still merely impacting one side in the individual's chest.

Stage two of Pleural Mesothelioma could mean this has spread all the way through the two layers of the pleura and created a mass or tumor. At this stage the physician may possibly highly recommend surgery to remove the tumor plus suggest the surgery be accompanied by a series of radiation or chemotherapy treatment plans.

In the event this has contacted the wall structure coating the heart, this would be regarded as "stage 3." There is nevertheless the potential for surgical treatment of the affected cells. Stage 3 may also suggest the condition has spread to the lymph nodes on the one afflicted side. At this time radiation or chemotherapy may also be proposed.

If it has spread to the other part of the chest wall, and/or the lymph nodes on the other side, or to various other areas of the body this is considered "stage 4." At this stage there are too many affected areas to successfully remove all of the diseased tissue through surgery.

Although in most cases the Pleural Mesothelioma prognosis is extremely bad, several people discovered with it have lived much longer than anticipated. If the doctor is not able to supply common treatment plans he or she might refer the individual for one of many medical studies that can be found.

Besides Mesothelioma that has an effect on the pleura there is also other forms of cancer that strikes the cellular lining that covers many bodily organs. Research is regularly being engaged in to discover new remedies and advancements to present treatments. Similar to most cancer, fast diagnosis is very important. Do not ever give up hope if you or a friend is diagnosed with this disease. Continue to do your own research.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

Although peritoneal mesothelioma case is rarer than pleural mesothelioma, it is often more aggressive and gives lower life expectancy compared to the pleural form. Peritoneal mesothelioma may develop as an extension of pleural mesothelioma through the lymphatic system or stand alone as the primary site of the cancer.

Most people suffering from peritoneal mesothelioma failed to recognize the symptoms as they resemble flu symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain or fever. A change in bowel movement may occur once the cancerous tumor grows bigger downward, on the other hand if the tumor develops upward it can disturb the respiratory system. Pain in abdominal region can happen when the mass of tumor pressurizes the nerve fibers. Weight loss and swelling abdomen are other indications of this abdominal cancer, however when patients seek their doctors' opinions at this stage it could be too late as normally the cancer has spread and grown bigger in the peritoneal cavity or abdominal cavity.

Diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma is very difficult and there is no defined system so far that can differentiate the stages of the cancerous tumor development. When needed, TNM staging system is normally used to detect the cancer in stages.

Treatments for peritoneal mesothelioma are similar to what is used for pleural mesothelioma which may include chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. Although these treatments can't cure the cancer, they does provide a better prognosis compared to the pleural mesothelioma. The peritoneal mesothelioma life expectancy for untreated cases is 6 months to 1 year but with aggressive treatments patients can expect to live for another 2 - 5 years.

Despite of poor life expectancy, some patients with mesothelioma successfully beat the disease and live much longer than expected. Instead of weeping and waiting for the death coming they searched for alternative solutions and radically changed their lifestyles. That's how they managed to be the survivors of mesothelioma. Rhio O'Connor and Paul Kraus for example were given a few months only to live but they rejected the idea of giving up and were determined to survive instead. No matter how small your chance is, you should never
give up.

To learn more information about peritoneal mesothelioma and other mesothelioma types and what cures are available please visit our website today.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mesothelioma Patient Treatment Options Survival Help Mesothelioma patient treatment options for asbestos victims can be expensive. Fortunately, Kazan Law can attain compensation pay for those who unjustly contracted mesothelioma disease due to asbestos exposure. Our law firm has won dozens of asbestos litigation verdicts. Visit or call 877.622.5246 to learn about mesothelioma patient treatment options.

New York Asbestos Exposure Attorneys / NY Lung Cancer Lawyers, Belluck & Fox, Mesothelioma

Have you or a loved one developed mesothelioma after asbestos exposure? The law firm of Belluck & Fox can help! Dial 1-877-NYLAW09 and speak with our NY Lung Cancer Lawyers today!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cost Of Mesotherapy

The total cost of Mesotherapy depends on several factors and varies widely from one clinic to the other. Costs include consultation fees and treatment fees, which in turn depend on the level of expertise of the person providing treatment, the size and number of body areas to be treated, and the total number of treatment sessions needed.

The higher the certification of the individual providing treatment, the higher the cost usually is. A board-certified plastic surgeon will be more expensive than a nurse practitioner. Clinics with higher overhead will also be more expensive. It is best to consider at least a couple of options to determine the level of expertise and price range one is comfortable with.

In general, an initial consultation for a Mesotherapy treatment may cost between $50 and $500. During this consultation, a treatment plan is chalked out depending on whether the aim is to reduce cellulite, localized fat, or both.

Once the treatment plan is decided, a patient may undergo between four and ten treatment sessions. The total number of sessions depends on the type of treatment (cellulite reduction versus localized fat reduction), and area of the body that is being treated. For each area of the body being treated, such as the thighs or buttocks, one session may cost between $200 and $600. If the body area to be treated is the neck or eye, or face region, greater skill may be required and the cost accordingly goes up.

Because there are so many variables involved in the final bill for Mesotherapy, it is best to find out what costs are involved upfront. Mesotherapy is not covered by health insurance, and treatment costs can run into the thousands of dollars. Costs per injection session may not include drug and equipment costs. Certain treatments may also require follow-up after the initial injection treatment is completed, adding to the total cost.

Treatment of Mesothelioma in San Francisco and Los Angeles Treatment of mesothelioma in Los Angeles and San Francisco is attainable, thanks to the pioneering efforts of Kazan Law. Our asbestos law firm has served the public since 1974. Victims of shipyard asbestos exposure should contact Kazan today. Visit us on the web or call 877.622.5246 for more treatment of mesothelioma in San Francisco and Los Angeles info.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mesothelioma Prognosis

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which is relatively rare and typically affects approximately one in one million people. The usual cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos although it can be caused by exposure to other chemicals as well.

The medical word "prognosis" describes the likely outcome of a particular illness. The description can be fairly accurate when applied statistically to large numbers of people, but can never be all that certain when applied to an individual patient, so a prognosis for an individual patient is often given in terms of percentage likelihoods, as nothing is ever certain.

Studies have shown that most doctors are likely to be optimistic when delivering a prognosis to a patient.

A prognosis for a patient suffering from mesothelioma depends on a number of factors. The disease is often very difficult to diagnose at all until the late stages, because all the symptoms can also be indications of other diseases, and because many of the symptoms don't necessarily appear until decades after the asbestos exposure.

Some screening methods can help to determine if a patient is likely to develop mesothelioma later, but these are far from precise much of the time. While smoking on its own has not been shown to cause mesothelioma, it can increase the likelihood of developing the disease.

Treatment of mesothelioma includes radiation, surgery, immunology and chemotherapy, often used in combination. For example, a patient might first have surgery to remove most of the tumor, then chemotherapy and radiation targeted to what is left.

A mesothelioma prognosis can be helpful in determining which treatments to use, and of course can be used in litigation to help obtain compensation, which can be considerable (sometimes more than tens of millions of dollars).

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