Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How Severe is the Mesothelioma Disease?

Mesothelioma is a rare but highly aggressive form of cancer and each year, there are between two and three thousand people diagnosed. The number of new cases is expected to increase over the next ten years. There is only one known cause of the cancer, and that is exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral, which was valued for its durability, fire resistance and insulating properties. It was widely used during the first three quarters of the twentieth century. There were many kinds of products manufactured during this time using asbestos fibers, including concrete, textiles and insulation.

Mesothelioma attacks the membranes that cover the lungs, abdominal cavity and internal organs of the body. There are three main types. The most common type is pleural mesothelioma. This type occurs when asbestos fibers invade the cells of the membrane covering the lungs, known as the pleura.

The second most common type of this cancer is peritoneal mesothelioma, which attacks the peritoneum, or membrane covering the abdominal organs. The rarest type of the asbestos cancer is pericardial mesothelioma, which attacks the membrane covering the heart, or the pericardium.

Treatment for this type of cancer has had little success. Because the asbestos cancer is so fast growing, it is often not diagnosed until the later stages of the disease, when the chance of patient survival is poor. Treatments include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are often given in conjunction with surgery. The chance of being cured with these treatments is slight, and surgery and radiation are often used to simply provide relief from pain and other symptoms. A fairly new type of chemotherapy, called heated chemotherapy, does show some promise for peritoneal mesothelioma.

The chemotherapy drugs are heated and infused into the peritoneum, making it easier for the cancer cells to absorb the chemicals and be killed by them. But sadly, for most people suffering from asbestos cancer, the prognosis remains poor.

Asbestos products were widely manufactured and used for the first three quarters of the twentieth century, in spite of the fact that the manufacturers knew the health risks. Mesothelioma is often not discovered for years or even decades after exposure to asbestos fibers.

Asbestos is still found in many older buildings, continuing to put many at risk for exposure. Unfortunately, cancer from asbestos will continue to be a health threat for many years into the future, but with stricter regulations, not as much as it has been in the past.

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Treatment for Mesothelioma Patients - California Law Firm

www.KazanLaw.com Mesothelioma is only caused by Asbestos exposure- Treatment of Mesothelioma, patients, may consist of traditional cancer treatments such as Chemotherapy and surgery, as well as experimental treatments and clinical trials. If you have been diagnosed with Lung Cancer or Mesothelioma in the California area, call Kazan Law today at 877-995-6372 for a no cost evaluation.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Mesothelioma is very similar to other cancers in respect to treatment. Mesothelioma patients have three treatment options available to them: chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. These treatments are typically performed in conjunction with one another to ensure the most effective treatment. Let's start off with surgery. Surgery can be performed on mesothelioma patients to either enchance their quality of life or attempt to cure their illness.

The most common procedure performed is known as a plurectomy. During a plurectomy, the patient's chest lining is removed. A similar procedure known as a extra pleural pneumonectomy involves the removal of inner-chest lining, the pericardium, hemi-diaphragm and the lining of the lung. Surgery alone cannot typically cure mesothelioma. However, when surgery is combined with post-operative treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, chances of survival are greatly improved.

Now, let's move on to chemotherapy treatment. It is important to understand that chemotherapy, like surgery, cannot alone treat mesothelioma. Chemotherapy is typically administered with pills or injected. Mesothelioma patients usually have the drugs injected into the area where the disease is located. These two drugs typically given to patients are known as Pemetrexed and Cisplatin. These drugs have been known to trigger unfavorable side affects including nausea and vomiting. This is a major reason why many people opt to not receive chemotherapy treatment.

The last treatment available today is radiation. Radiation is a good choice for patients who are unable to handle chemotherapy and surgery. Radiation, like the previous two treatments cannot alone eradicate mesothelioma. Radiation is more of a palliative treatment that reduces the symptoms of mesothelioma. Most patients undergo external beam radiation that is administered for several weeks. For maximum benefit, it would be very wise for some patients to undergo all three of these treatments in hope of a recovery. Alone, these remedies only serve to ease the lifestyle of the patient. When combined, these treatments can potentially eliminate the cancer.

A professional writer with an active interest in Mesothelioma Cancer.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Treating Peritoneal Mesothelioma

www.mesovideolibrary.com - Mary Jane Williams treated her peritoneal mesothelioma with the help of a mesothelioma specialist in New York. She describes the mesothelioma surgery & chemotherapy series her mesothelioma treatment required, including peritoneal surgery. See this video on the Mesothelioma Video Library website www.mesovideolibrary.com Learn more about treating peritoneal mesothelioma by calling us at 866-404-5805 or e-mailing us at info@mesovideolibrary.com.


Lung Cancer Support Groups

For those who are afflicted with lung cancer, emotional support is an important part of the treatment plan. Support is available one on one with a psychiatrist or counselor, or can be found through either online or in-person support groups.


Friday, November 26, 2010

What are Bravery Beads?

What are bravery beads? This brought me to tears. These children are so amazing. . . . hugs to them all.


Lung Cancer Alternative Treatment Options

Are you looking for a fresh approach to treating lung cancer? If so then you should know that there are many lung cancer alternative treatment options. Fighting lung cancer can seem like an endless battle. This is hard on the individual that is fighting the lung cancer and for the family as well. It can be a trying time for all involved.

Many people are looking for alternatives this is because some traditional treatments not just work on killing the cancer but it also is toxic and hazardous to the patient. Chemotherapy for example, can cause hair loss it can cause the patient to be very sick and can also make the patient feel totally drained. It causes severe side effects. Many people are looking for away around this and are now starting to turn to lung cancer alternative treatments to fight cancer. There are many different natural means that you might want to try.

One alternative is to try a different diet. There are many different herbs, foods, and drinks that can help with trying to rid your body of cancer. An example of a diet that might be recommended for prevention and treatment of cancer is a diet that is high in fiber. There are many different foods that you can find that might be high in fiber that you could eat. Some of these are the cereal Mini Wheats, brown rice, wheat pastas and bread and more. These could help you if you are looking for a natural diet alternative. You could also try a diet high in Vitamin D. You could look on the internet for foods or drinks that might be high in Vitamin D. Of course these are only a few of the diets that you could use for a natural approach.

If you are looking for treatments that don't include diets then you can try a few different methods. One of the methods that are a natural approach without having to take any chemical medications is oxygenation. This is supposed to aid in killing the cancerous cells. It has been a proven method that many are now looking to use. There is also another method that may work for you and this is detoxification. This is supposed to work by riding your body of any toxins that may be enabling the cancer to spread and grow. It is thought that toxins help speed up the spread of cancer. Either one of these two methods are natural approaches that you may want to take. These are not the only approaches however that is available.

In conclusion there are many other methods that are available for those who are looking for more natural treatments. These are available whether you are looking for ways to prevent cancer, ways to cure cancer without having to try toxic treatments. You should not feel like you are out of options it is a hard battle but there are many new methods of treatments coming out all the time. Keep in mind though that what works for one person may not be a treatment that works for you but there are many different lung cancer alternative treatments that you can try.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mesothelioma: How Do Doctors Diagnose Asbestos Cancer? Part 1

As we discussed in our previous article, you might have been exposed to asbestos airborne particles if you have been building ships, working with heat insulation and changing old brakes pads. There are many dangerous occupations exist, such as, asbestos plant workers, automobile mechanics, boiler workers, plumbers, drywall workers, electricians insulators, painters, even hairdressers and teachers. Many other professions might give an occasional exposure to the asbestos particles.

As the consequence of asbestos exposure you may get asbestosis, but you may also start do develop mesothelioma - relativity rare but deadly type o cancer.

So, how do doctors diagnose the mesothelioma?

When you see your doctor, the first think he does to suspect the mesothelioma is asking about your occupational history. The paramount importance is to catch the asbestos cancer in the early stages of the disease, so time is of the essence. The survival rate is eight to twelve months on average. However, catching and treating the mesothelioma early at some cancer centers gives better results.

Doctors look for signs and symptoms of the cancer. The mesothelioma symptoms often delay up to 20 and more years after asbestos exposure. Yet, in rats intra-pleural introduction of asbestos chrysotile fibers may cause mesothelioma in several months.

People with mesothelioma complain on breath shortness, persistent cough, sputum, and chest pain. The pain comes from pleura - the lungs lining that is very sensitive to irritation. Mesothelioma tends to cause fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity.

Peritoneal mesothelioma causes weight loss, pain and ascites (belly swelling due to fluid in the abdominal cavity). Peritoneal mesothelioma also may block bowels and cause all kinds of troubles with gut obstruction. As many cancers, asbestos cancer also changes blood clotting, causes blood cells decrease (anemia), night sweats, and fevers. Ascites may lead to nausea and feet swelling. Spreading of the cancer will bring pain, difficult swallowing, and neck swelling. This symptom happens because of compression of some great veins going to the heart in your chest. In general mesothelioma symptoms are not very specific. They may characterize any other type of cancer as well as many other non-cancerous diseases. This problem delays diagnosis. Sometimes patients think that they have viral pneumonia. Some patients don't have any symptoms at all. Mesothelioma in advanced stage, as well as majority of cancers, will cause fatigue.

An x-ray may show a fluid accumulation.

What is a pleural effusion? Pleural effusion means the accumulation of fluid between the pleura on inside chest wall and diaphragm and pleura covering lungs. What is pleura? Pleura is the thin layer of special cells covering the lung and inside of the chest wall. It has an idea of closed plastic bag with some small amount of fluid inside. Basically, this bag helps lungs to slide easily against chest wall during expansion from breathing. The membranes of pleura consist from mesothelial cells. Exactly these cells produce a small amount of the lubricant. The amount of fluid is always in balance. Extra pleural fluid is quickly reabsorbed. When there is too much fluid, it is the effusion. Abdominal cavity has similar lining named peritoneum, which covers abdominal organs the way pleura covers the lungs. Mesothelioma leads to fluid build up, which is caused by cancer cells irritating the pleura or peritoneum. This fluid leads to sickness in your abdomen or difficulty breathing.

Transudation is a pleural effusion with clear fluid. It usually results from imbalance of fluid production and removal. It is more characteristic for some other disease. Doctors would think first about congestive heart failure. Mesothelioma would rather cause an exudate. Exudates are a cloudy pleural effusion with many cells and proteins. Exudates happen after the pleura is irritated and inflamed, as it happen in mesothelioma. To check the type of effusion, doctors would stick a needle and get the fluid sample. This stick is called diagnostic thoracentesis. The fluid will be checked in the lab. If mesothelioma is the cause, cancer cells may be found in the fluid

Why shortness of breath develops? The dyspnea (breath shortness) happens exactly because too much fluid is accumulated and press on the lung, pushing it away form the chest wall inside and thus making the lung smaller. Also the pain from inflamed pleura prevents patient from deep breathing. The receptors in inflamed pleura also cause dry cough. Listening to the lungs with a stethoscope reveals decreased breath sounds. Tapping on the chest sounds dull. This all is the consequence of fluid accumulation.

During your doctor's visit, you should discuss your concerns about asbestos exposure in the past. Your doctor should check the area of pain and swelling; he also should listen to your breath sounds and check for fluid collection. If your doctors suspect the effusion he may send you for tests and X-rays or refer to a specialist.

If a doctor suspects mesothelioma, he dose not have many specific tests on hands. Many of the usual tests may show no results in mesothelioma. Simple chest x-ray does not always show small pleural effusion. A lateral decubitus film may be required for smaller effusions (the same x-ray but the side view). Otherwise CT scan or ultrasound may show the effusion.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Surgery & Recovery

www.mesovideolibrary.com - In 2008 Brenda had a third surgery to treat peritoneal mesothelioma, a rare asbestos cancer of the abdomen. In this video she discusses the surgery and the difficult recovery process that followed. See this video on our official website to learn more www.mesovideolibrary.com Call 866-404-5805 or e-mail info@mesovideolibrary.com to speak with someone about mesothelioma or asbestos exposure.


Mesothelioma Death

Mesothelioma death rates seem to be increasing currently, and might reach a maximum in 2016 according to some sources.

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer, usually caused by exposure to asbestos. While treatment can extend the life of patients, the prognosis is usually poor for the disease.

Recovery from the disease is rare with median survival times typically being about nine months from presentation and the five-year survival rate typically being about 10%. A few people do survive for more than two decades after having the disease. Some patients have survived more than five years after having radical surgery plus radiation and chemo therapy but it has been shown that radiation therapy on its own is not very effective.

Death from mesothelioma is usual within a year and a half of knowing that one has the disease. This is not because the disease progresses rapidly but because it is so difficult to diagnose the disease accurately until the late stages, because all the obvious symptoms can be caused by other less dangerous conditions.

More than 18,000 people died in the US from the disease in the years between 1999 and 2005. The majority of the people who died were aged between 50 and 75, and were mostly male although the incidence of the disease in females is increasing more rapidly than in males.

There are various methods of screening for the disease, but no generally agreed screening standards yet. The screening methods used can improve the chances of survival.

Mesothelioma death is usually due to exposure to asbestos at the workplace, although can be from secondary exposure such as when washing the clothes of someone who works with asbestos. Jobs which bring people into contact with asbestos including boiler making, lagging, carpentry, joinery, pipe-fitting, plumbing, shipbuilding, joinery, electrical work, brake and clutch work, and even management, teaching and other professions.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Alternative Treatment For Lung Cancer - Wortman Grape Diet

Thanks to the internet people have a huge opportunity to find out so much, about different treatments that otherwise would not have been possible. Of course you really have to know where to look and to your research, but the opportunity is there for everyone. Any person who has an internet connection and a computer can do research on alternative treatments for lung cancer for example and find very effective treatments.

Wortman Grape Diet

This is a very interesting and simple way to treat different types of cancers. Fred Wortman from Albany, Georgia developed malignancy of the intestine that was inoperable, so he faced prolonged radiation treatments. But because Mr. Wortman was a wide reader, he remembered a very simple treatment for cancer. He basically made this cure more simple, by reducing it down to itÅ> basics.

This crape treatment was able to cure lung cancer in just 2 weeks and prostate cancer took about a month. Mr Wortman suggested to drink 24 oz. of (dark concord) grape fruit first thing in the morning. A person should take a few swallows after every 10-15 minutes. He also said not to eat before noon and not to gulp the whole thing down.

After noon you should live your life like you normally do, with the exception of not eating after 20.00. Apparently food does not allow the grape fruit juice to treat the cancer as effectively. This should be kept up for 2 weeks to a month.

This is certainly a very interesting treatment that is not dangerous in any way and every person can try this to find out how effective it really is. Obviously organic grapes have a much better effect than grapes that are not organic, so the better the quality of the grapes, the better the chances. Even if this is not as nearly as effective as Mr. Wortman claimed, it certainly is worth trying.

** Breathing Out Of Hole In Back **

info-truth.blogspot.com This is amazing because this guy is breathing through a hole from his back. Get more breathe, breathless, breath, cancer, breast cancer examination, cancer treatment, cancer cure, mesotherapy, mesothelioma attorney, mesothelioma, mesothelioma patient, mesoterapia,...


Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Alternative Mesothelioma Treatment

People are on the lookout for alternative mesothelioma treatment due to the complex nature and deadliness of mesothelioma. Not only patients, but researchers and doctors are trying to find out new ways to treat mesothelioma. 'Alternative' refers to the use of different methods from the traditionally accepted. Most alternative mesothelioma treatments are not scientifically approved but certain treatments have found to give relief to patients and certain others are found to be of no use. Intraoperative Photodynamic Therapy (IPT), Immunoaugmentative Therapy (IAT) and Gene Therapy are some of the important alternative mesothelioma treatments in modern medicine.

Alternative treatments attack the mesothelioma cancer quite aggressively, with few or no side effects. It works by training the patient's immune system to recognize and destroy the tumor tissue. The method relies on cancer vaccines to stimulate the patient's immune system and destroy tumor cells. Immunoaugmentative Therapy (IAT) works by strengthening and balancing four different proteins found in the blood. Special drugs are administered to kill cancer cells in Intraoperative Photodynamic Therapy (IPT). The drug makes cancer more sensitive to light. Several days before the surgery, it is injected into a vein. A special light is used to detect cancer during surgery. IPT is basically used in the early stages of mesothelioma in the chest. Mutilated genes, which cause mesothelioma, are either replaced or removed in gene therapy. This treatment is at its infant stage but is a promising treatment.

Some types of alternative treatments have been practiced for generations but do not have any scientific backup. Homeopathy is used as an alternative system. An example of homeopathic treatment in mesothelioma is the use of Iscador from mistletoe. Iscador is an herbal medicine used to boost the body's immune system. Specific diet therapy, rich with vitamins and minerals, and metabolic therapy are other types of alternative treatment. Cow or shark cartilage is used as a food supplement in some treatments. Essiac is an herb supplement used. Bach flower is used in aromatic treatment. Other examples of alternative medicine are faith healing, vitamins, herbs, and supplements sold in your local drugstore.

Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Treatment - Dr. Raja Flores

www.curemeso.org Understand mesothelioma treatment options through surgery from the International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma. Presentation by Dr. Raja Flores on pleural mesothelioma surgical options. Learn more about mesothelioma treatment and symptoms by visiting www.curemeso.org
